Women’s basketball community members “Run for Maud” to support justice efforts for Ahmaud Arbery
Women’s basketball coaches and athletes joined in the call for justice via social media for Ahmaud Arbery, a young black man who was murdered while unarmed while jogging in Glynn County, Ga. Many expressed grief, including Old Dominion head coach DeLisha Milton-Jones, who grew up in that part of Georgia.
The Facts
Two white men, Greg McMichael and son Travis, gunned down Arbery in late February but faced no charges until a cellphone video of the killing came to light recently and after a national uproar over the lack of an investigation or arrest.
The elder McMichael is a former police detective in the county seat of Brunswick and worked under the county’s current district attorney who recused herself from the case. A prosecutor assigned to the case indicated in April that he found no grounds for arresting the McMichaels who said that they were acting in self-defense even though the video shows them chasing Arbery, who was simply minding his business jogging. Their violent reactions stemmed from their unfounded suspicions that Arbery, who was not a stranger in the neighborhood, was a burglar, and provoked an encounter that led to a murder.
Atlantic Judicial Circuit District Attorney Tom Durden of nearby Liberty County requested that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation look into the killing of Arbery.
“Run for Maud”
Arbery’s birthday was Friday, May 8 when he would have turned 26. Earlier this week, residents of Brunswick, including members and leaders of the town’s black community, organized a run and protest in the neighborhood on Tuesday. Runners around the nation participated in “Run for Maud” events where they ran 2.23 miles to commemorate the day Arbery took his final jog, Feb. 23.
Social Media Outcry
Many in the women’s basketball community took to social media to show their participation in “Run for Maude” events. In addition, a coalition of male athletes led by the co-founder of the Players Coalition, Anquan Boldin, signed on to a letter requesting that the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice investigate the murder.
As of Friday, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation arrested the McMichaels and other arrests may be imminent according to NPR.
Walked 2.23 miles x 2 for you #AhmaudAubrey because someone snatched your ability to do it for yourself. Happy birthday! May God give your family the strength to endure each day forward. #RIPower pic.twitter.com/h1cqIL1fld
— dawnstaley (@dawnstaley) May 8, 2020
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi….We ran as a family today in honor of Ahmaud because we want our children to grow up and be a part of change in this world. #IRunwithAhmaud #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/I2XRaROebK
— Jennifer Rizzotti (@JenRizzotti) May 8, 2020
Got my 2.23 miles in today. #IRunWithMaud pic.twitter.com/MowJ4i97hA
— Essence T. Carson (@Pr3pE) May 9, 2020
My daily walk with @Coach_DUBS went a little longer today??#RIPAhmaudArbery #IRunwithAhmaud pic.twitter.com/mE1OxNWTM4
— Doshia Woods (@doshwoods) May 8, 2020
Tonight and every night I #RunWithMaud and pray for his family. @AtlantaDream @wnba pic.twitter.com/Urw3ygSMVD
— Nicki Collen (@NickiCollen) May 9, 2020
Just incredibly HORRIFIC…????May God give his family daily, second by second strength.. and grace and peace to #AhmaudArbery on what would have been his 26th birthday… today… ????????????? #SayHisName pic.twitter.com/8ZjAMe10KA
— ChristyWintersScott (@ChristyWScott51) May 9, 2020
#AhmaudArbery Family Deserves Justice and his spirit needs to be able to Rest In Peace ??? Sending my deepest condolences to his family! Watching a young man fight for his life while just trying to exercise is heart wrenching…
— Swin Cash (@SwinCash) May 6, 2020
#IRunWithMAUD??!! pic.twitter.com/JBjNVD5nGM
— A.Bermudez (@Coach_AngieB) May 8, 2020
#IRunWithMaud ??????????? pic.twitter.com/AkeHal9ySm
— Lizzie Nessling (@CoachNess45) May 8, 2020
#IrunwithMaud pic.twitter.com/CxIZD0G2wq
— Amber Smith (@CoachA_Smith) May 8, 2020
#RunWithMaud pic.twitter.com/rlF5vOKIbA
— Camden Boehner (@CoachCam_3) May 8, 2020
35 Degrees with a few flurries…I felt every bit of THE STRUGGLE and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way! 2.23 ?? #IrunwithMaud ? pic.twitter.com/txjVGj4t3c
— Courtney Davidson (@CoachCourtD) May 8, 2020
#IRunWithMaud pic.twitter.com/xRR4L95Oz9
— Coach Jay (@Coach_Jay21) May 8, 2020
All I can see are my sons when I see this picture of this angel, Ahmaud Arbery. I pray that this world can change and I pray that the leadership of this Nation can make this a priority sooner than later. #IrunwithMaud pic.twitter.com/oI0Lt03H4o
— Vanessa Blair (@CoachBlair24) May 8, 2020
Fight or Flight. We choose to fight! #RunWithMaud pic.twitter.com/7Epj1FL9LE
— Zaila Avant-Garde body guard (@JowersWBB) May 8, 2020
— Cari Champion (@CariChampion) May 6, 2020
Altho my heart & my head remains filled with so many questions… My GOD kept me in intentional prayer the entire 2.23 miles?? Happy Birthday Young KING?? #IrunwithMaud pic.twitter.com/Hj0K7Ip2V4
— Jessica Kern Huff (@Coach_JKHuff) May 8, 2020
???#IrunwithMaud pic.twitter.com/1R8iKDEcR3
— coachrekhap (@RekhaPatterson) May 8, 2020
#IRUNWITHMAUD 2.23 ?? pic.twitter.com/bHxH48YNhW
— Kevin Lynum (@CoachKevinLynum) May 8, 2020
I also run for both of my boys. #IrunwithMaud ? pic.twitter.com/yRnC1igK3z
— Janna Magette Butler (@JannaMagette) May 8, 2020
#iamtired #RIPAhmaudArbery pic.twitter.com/gIZkudtKM1
— Wesley Brooks (@coachwesbball) May 8, 2020
Didn’t get a chance to capture my mileage on the tread when I hit 2.23 but Ahmaud I thought of you with every step. To think that you were executed while running/working out…..something that I enjoy but also take for granted, shatters me. That video……no words. pic.twitter.com/dluGwoXkSP
— Joni Taylor (@CoachJoniTaylor) May 8, 2020
I will never understand senseless hate because Of the color of your skin. #IrunwithMaud pic.twitter.com/PfRgT9m7PV
— Laura Harper (@CoachLHarper) May 8, 2020
4 yrs ago I posted this photo of my beautiful nephews during a time where Black men were being picked off at an alarming rate for what appeared to be nothing more than being Black.
I was scared & outraged that Black lives really didn’t seem to matter.
4 yrs later…retweet. pic.twitter.com/RtzebfC4C4
— Shimmy Gray-Miller (@shimmy33) May 8, 2020
— Armintie Herrington (@Armintie) May 8, 2020
Those two white men committed first degree murder! I don’t want to hear anything about involuntary or second degree! It was no doubt they had the intent to shoot to kill That young man!
— Barb Turner (@BarbT22) May 8, 2020
More senselessness. Video is heartbreaking. How many more mothers will have to bury their sons and daughters?! Answers needed. #AhmaudArbery pic.twitter.com/uMRDYYSeLc
— dawnstaley (@dawnstaley) May 7, 2020
I run with Ahmaud Aubrey ??? I’ve literally been thinking/feeling fear about working out outside since the shelter in space started. I joke about my wife needing to come with me places and how I can’t just hop a fence and workout cause the cops would get called pic.twitter.com/WY77A1sWvo
— Layshia Clarendon (@Layshiac) May 8, 2020