Grim-looking report card
The 2010-11 Associated Press Sports Editors Racial and Gender Report Card includes these grim facts:
The report shows the vast majority of people holding key positions on the major newspapers and media Web sites in the United States and Canada are white and male. The following report findings demonstrate that:
ï‚· 97 percent of the sports editors were white.
ï‚· 85 percent of the assistant sports editors were white.
ï‚· 86 percent of the columnists were white.
ï‚· 86 percent of the reporters were white.
ï‚· 90 percent of the copy editors/designers were white.
ï‚· 94 percent of the sports editors were men.
ï‚· 90 percent of the assistant sports editors were men.
ï‚· 90 percent of the columnists were men.
ï‚· 89 percent of the reporters were men.
ï‚· 84 percent of the copy editors/designers were men.
And check the tables beginning on page 16 for more statistics.